C H U R C H   M E D I A


March 2019

Overcoming Fatigue and Despair

“Overcoming Fatigue and Despair” from Elijah Series Pt 6 by Gary Ladd. Released: 3.

February 2019

The First Resurrection

“The First Resurrection” from Elijah Pt 4 by Gary Ladd. Released: 2.

Joy in Suffering

“Joy in Suffering” by Acts 16:19-34. Released: 2. Genre: suffering.

A Church Response: Rescuing Life

“A Church Response: Rescuing Life” by Patrick Hill. Released: 2.

Lessons Through a Widow

“Lessons Through a Widow” from Elijah Pt 3 by Gary Ladd. Released: 2.

January 2019

The Faith of Elijah

“The Faith of Elijah” from Elijah Pt 2 by Gary Ladd. Released: 1. Genre: Faith.